Tuesday, 8 October 2013

teenage girls

what is it with the young teenage girls of today, twelvies as they are now known, there seem to be a percentage that are all about make-up, flashing their boobs, and getting it on with boys, (some years older) and yeah i mean 12 year olds going all the way, and then there is another percentage the for some fucked up reason sit back and are jealous and envious of the other group and just pretend to be dumb ditsy morons to cover up the fact they have half a brain! Surely there is still the group of half decent guys that want to be with a smart girl, that has intelligence and doesnt laugh at really inappropriate or just plain not funny times, and one that has self respect and not throws herself at every boy that comes near, how do we as mothers make our daughters understand its ok to be the smart one, the one that is uninterested in swapping spit in the playground, that enjoys doing her homework and having friends and a normal sense of humour? i know i keep telling me its ok to be who you are and never pretend to be someone you arent to make someone else happy especially if it means lowering your standards and respect, and while at the age of 12 im satisfied that she is listening and taking things on board and disgusted in the girls swapping spit, flashing their boobs and going all the way, how much longer is it going to last before she turns into one of those girls she now sneers at? please tell me it will be forever lol she will be a good girl and study hard and worry about boys when she is in her 20's and ready to find a husband lol yeah yeah i know but for now i'll keep dreaming

Sunday, 1 September 2013


I got a phone call this afternoon from the sick bay lady telling me that my big girl (year 7) was caught using her iPod in an Unapproved area of the school and has had it confiscated for at least 24 hours, now I know she should t have had it, and I'm all for having it taken away until home time but seriously why should they be allowed to withhold it out if school hours?  Doesn't seem right to me that they are allowed to do this! I'm really pissed off! And the year advisor who took it and has it didn't even have the balls to call me she got the fucking sick bay lady to do it aaaargh

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Bosses piss me off

Why the fuck can't they just pay on time?  So over it!! Since hubs has been working private the two bosses have fucked him around so much with pay, boss knows we have 5 kids, hubs drives 2.5 hours each way to work and pays a fortune in fuel, u would think he could at least pay him on time! Hubs hands over his invoice on Wednesday, it's Friday an still no pay! Bring back the road works at least he gets paid on payday!!!

Tuesday, 13 August 2013


Soo annoyed that every time myself or one of my kids are not well we have to go to every different doctor in town and have me go off at a receptionist before one of them will fit us in! It drives me nuts! How can so many people need to see a doctor all at once!! They need to get more doctors and stop letting people make pointless appointments all the time grrrr

Monday, 12 August 2013

touching base

i keep forgetting i made this blog, maybe coz nobody looks at the darn thing? who knows, i have liked coming back to read stuff i have already put on here though, i must remember to keep blogging, about the little things even, the baby man s 15 months now and still my lil titty pig!! he is talking heaps and still such an awesome lil personality, miss 2 had her birthday and is now miss 3!!! and an even bigger diva than she was before! the bigger 3 kids are all still the same, master 6 is counting the days til his 7th birthday and changes his mind everyday on what gift he wants, and im clueless as to what to get him, master 4 seems to be maturing.... slowly, but he is getting there, im still having a real issue with teaching him to wipe his own arse, i dont remember it being so hard with the others!!! i cant help but wonder if this is another reason for him to not start school next year, but then i really think he would benefit from school, being the decision maker sure does suck balls! miss 12 is still the same, she is slowly realising that high school is a tough gig and not all fun and games, her homework and assignments have increased over the last term and she doesnt like it too much! HAHA the joys of growing! yet she keeps threatening she is leaving home LOL hmmm homework will sure seem easy then!!

Monday, 10 June 2013

what has happened to our kids?

hmmm so long time no post, no one is reading them anyway so i guess it doesnt really matter anyways but u never know you luck right? my thought for the day is my kids, they are great kids, they are too naughty compared to some but they have their moments! they like to hear me yell im sure of it, i just dont know why! if my mum yelled i stfu!! if she threatened my dad, i stfu!! if my parents were on the phone i stfu!! if i was told to do something i done it and i rarely done anything i was told i wasnt allowed to do, kids today push the boundaries way more than i did, i'd neverbaqck chat my parents the way my kids do me some days, but then i would get a slap across the face! and that was normal punishment for such behaviour, its pretty much unheard of these days, is it really just a lack of discipline because of new laws? is it a combo of that and more fast food readily available than before? hmmmm so many questions, wish i new the answers!! i think times will be getting tougher though!!

Friday, 12 April 2013


like literally shit! i have been absent due to dealing with a few health issues and well just not knowing what to say or have a rant about til now, and its shit! im not sure if the cat done it or the dog but my guts cant handle it today, it had me gagging and running to the front door where i chucked up everywhere, i HATE to spew!!! wtf possesses them to just shit anywhere ffs and why the hell am i fine with human shit and not animal shit? though in saying that i dont often spew at the smell, tummy must be extra weak today :/ at any rate im waiting for hubby to get home and clean it

Saturday, 16 March 2013

male pms

im sure they get it, they deny it til they are blue in the face but im sure of it, in fact i googled it, i love google, and not only is there male menopause, which i'd heard of but google male pms and a match comes up for 'Irritable Male Syndrome', the male version of pms! so all these years of saying it, i really do believe its true, and hubby seems to have it atm, it just amazes me how i can see he is moody and narky for no reason, the kids can see it too, he snaps and pulls filthies, but ask him, there is nothing wrong he is fine, pffft yep ok!! why cant they just realise what fuck faces they are being and be normal? I cant help but wonder if its something that can be medicated lol, everyone is entitled to a bad day, i know i have them, days where im just so cranky for no reason, but i make a conscious effort to try and not snap peoples heads off for no reason and certainly not find things to start an argument! do something to piss me off though and i'll be shitty for hours lol, arent women like that whether pmsing or not or is it just me? its so much worse when we are both so irritable too, im hoping tomorrow is a better day <3

Thursday, 14 March 2013

kids and money

this i have been pondering for awhile, how much money a child should have access to and how? should they have money for school every day? I try to teach my kids value for money and good manners and all the things i was taught and more, and this morning my miss 12 tells me i HAD to give her $2 so she could pay back her friend kaitlyn, i asked her why and she told me that when they were at sport the yesterday at our local recreation centre and miss 12  had forgotten her drink so kaitlyn offered to buy her one, which is a nice thing to do for a friend right? well kaitlyn whips out her KEYCARD and buys whatever she wanted and my miss 12's water, after miss 12 has a swig, kaitlyn turns around and tell her she owes her $2!!! now I'm left wondering why the fuck a 12 year old even has a god damn keycard that she is telling everyone is her credit card to even be able to spend willy nilly like that, and also why you would OFFER to buy you 'bff' a drink if you are only going to ask for the money back ? In my day friends just bought each other stuff, if my mate bought me a drink I'd buy her one next time not expect the money back the next day! and my girl is just like me, she will buy her friend a drink or ice cream or something if she has the spare $$ and not expect anything in return and was a little shocked when her friend asked her to bring the money back to school today, and i might add i was a little peeved at the fact she just expected me to fork it over to her as well!!! I luckily had change in my purse to give her and at the same time told her to never make debts with her friends and expect me to pay them, yeah yeah im the mum and i have to pay, i know that but she needs to learn to take her damn drink bottle yeah? i have numerous ones in the cupboard she takes for the first week of school and then never takes them again!! Or have a drink out of the frigging tap like we used to when we were kids! Is this generation of keycard wielding kids greedy little buggers that dont know how to share? At any rate i know that i wont be getting my kids keycards until they have jobs to earn money to put on the damn things!!! vent over.... for now ;-p

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

sometimes sharing is not caring!!

why oh why must the kidlets share their germs with me? i hate being sick, i can slowly feel myself getting worse, i feel like shit actually, achy, snotty, cloudy, bleh! its so much harder to look after sick kids when u feel like shit too :( a snotty nose doesnt seem too bad til its your own, how do the little turds still have so much energy? is it the steroids they are all on? maybe i should have a swig, i want what they're having lol it does still amaze me though how i can feel like death, like i want to curl up and sleep for a month, and still manage to clean up (not much but a little), take care of little kids, do the school drop off and pick up for the bigger kids, which i might add is almost a 30klm round trip just to the bus and back, if i have to drive them its approx 60klm there and back, cook dinner, and whatever else i need to do but on the off chance he even happens to catch the bug the rest of us have or had, he cant get out of bed except to pee!! why do they get "man flu" and we dont get 'mum flu' or something? maybe its time we play the "mum flu" card and go to bed for days and get him to wait on us?? hmmm, anyways my head is pounding, time for a nap while bubba naps me thinks <3

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So here i am creating a blog and have no clue wtf im doing! so bear with me please lol. Im tired, i had fuck all sleep again last night :/ my poor sick bubba man likes to keep his mumma awake! And i stress and keep myself awake too, a little cranky and delirious this morning! Anyhooo plz be patient with me while i figure out what im doing here :)