Thursday, 15 August 2013

Bosses piss me off

Why the fuck can't they just pay on time?  So over it!! Since hubs has been working private the two bosses have fucked him around so much with pay, boss knows we have 5 kids, hubs drives 2.5 hours each way to work and pays a fortune in fuel, u would think he could at least pay him on time! Hubs hands over his invoice on Wednesday, it's Friday an still no pay! Bring back the road works at least he gets paid on payday!!!

Tuesday, 13 August 2013


Soo annoyed that every time myself or one of my kids are not well we have to go to every different doctor in town and have me go off at a receptionist before one of them will fit us in! It drives me nuts! How can so many people need to see a doctor all at once!! They need to get more doctors and stop letting people make pointless appointments all the time grrrr

Monday, 12 August 2013

touching base

i keep forgetting i made this blog, maybe coz nobody looks at the darn thing? who knows, i have liked coming back to read stuff i have already put on here though, i must remember to keep blogging, about the little things even, the baby man s 15 months now and still my lil titty pig!! he is talking heaps and still such an awesome lil personality, miss 2 had her birthday and is now miss 3!!! and an even bigger diva than she was before! the bigger 3 kids are all still the same, master 6 is counting the days til his 7th birthday and changes his mind everyday on what gift he wants, and im clueless as to what to get him, master 4 seems to be maturing.... slowly, but he is getting there, im still having a real issue with teaching him to wipe his own arse, i dont remember it being so hard with the others!!! i cant help but wonder if this is another reason for him to not start school next year, but then i really think he would benefit from school, being the decision maker sure does suck balls! miss 12 is still the same, she is slowly realising that high school is a tough gig and not all fun and games, her homework and assignments have increased over the last term and she doesnt like it too much! HAHA the joys of growing! yet she keeps threatening she is leaving home LOL hmmm homework will sure seem easy then!!