Wednesday, 23 December 2015


So super excited for Christmas with 6! Though bubba will have no idea what is going on I'm still excited, mr 3 is at a great age this year too!

Sunday, 15 November 2015

The lounge

So a couple of years ago (2013) I was looking for a new lounge, came across one on a fb bss page one day and jumped on it, was near new condition and cheap, a young couple with no kids had it but decided they wanted recliners, so I send trev to buy it coz his car has a tow bar and mine doesn't and we all can't fit in his car so he just went with alex and bought it, BIG MISTAKE!! We should've taken two cars, he seen new lounge perfect condition practically new, every lounge we had was a hand me down and usually had ripped arms or something so he felt like we were rich or something with this lounge and rang me so excited, he got the lounges home and the fuck me dead the seats don't come off! 5 kids (at the time)and pets and I can't take the cushions off to clean properly! Well I just sat here and scraped out around and between the seat cushions, and had to separate with fingers and stuff to get the vacuum in, OMG!!! I got enough sand out to surround an island, not to mention what is disgustingly stuck under my finger nails, enough Lego to build a castle! Cutlery! Enough pizza crust, biscuit and chips that surprising weren't mouldy to feed us for a week, and Omfg I have some forks and teaspoons again! Dummies, a baby bottle, some clothes, the DVD remote ( been lost for a LONG time) and 17 socks! The point of my story, (apart from never to trust the husband to clean out the lounge properly) now u have children, when upgrading your lounge always, ALWAYS, make sure the cushions come off!

Tuesday, 3 November 2015


Kids are cruel, they really are, I never wanted to see my daughter going through the things I did but here I am with my 14yo now on antidepressants due to bullying because of her weight, height, hairiness, anything these bitches can think of. The school supposedly has an anti bullying policy in place, yet the deputy knows these girls are doing this and nothing is being done, i kept DD home today and phoned to speak to the deputy, didn't even get a call back! They wonder why parents end up taking things into their own hands :/ 

Sunday, 1 November 2015


When it comes to kids, young ones, should we watch our P's and Qs? Or teach them that it's not appropriate for little kids to swear? I personally swear in front of mine, I think it's better to hear it and not be bothered by it than be mortified when they here it off others, 4 of my kids learn fast what was appropriate to say and what wasn't and never had issues with them swearing, til now! My 3yo loves to curse, the F bomb is his favourite, and bitch! and he has now taken a liking to dumbarse! For example hubby text me this morning asking me to ask mr 3 where he put his ratchet, to which mr 3 replied "I dunno, probly in the tool box dumbarse" 😣 as much as I know he shouldn't say it, I can't help but giggle before I reprimand and find myself constantly turning my back so he can't see me smile, how do they learn the right context to swear in anyway?

I'm back

Well wow! Well over a year since my last post, so much has happened! I'm now a mum of 6! Our darling lil number 6 is now in fact 5 months old! Things have been so busy is forgotten all about this little blogger. We have moved AGAIN as well! Going to need to start blogging again, at least for the sake of my own memories, not everything can be shared on FB can it! I will come back here tomorrow with a full update!