Monday 10 June 2013

what has happened to our kids?

hmmm so long time no post, no one is reading them anyway so i guess it doesnt really matter anyways but u never know you luck right? my thought for the day is my kids, they are great kids, they are too naughty compared to some but they have their moments! they like to hear me yell im sure of it, i just dont know why! if my mum yelled i stfu!! if she threatened my dad, i stfu!! if my parents were on the phone i stfu!! if i was told to do something i done it and i rarely done anything i was told i wasnt allowed to do, kids today push the boundaries way more than i did, i'd neverbaqck chat my parents the way my kids do me some days, but then i would get a slap across the face! and that was normal punishment for such behaviour, its pretty much unheard of these days, is it really just a lack of discipline because of new laws? is it a combo of that and more fast food readily available than before? hmmmm so many questions, wish i new the answers!! i think times will be getting tougher though!!